A product raised just 200km from our address
The Fuga Family visited the Coopérative des Fermiers de Loué alongside Maisono meet with its members and reinforce its commitment to high-quality, tasty cuisine, using produce raised just 200 km from Paris!
To get the day off to a good start, we discovered Loué's pioneering values, introduced by Erwan de La Fouchardière, the cooperative's director: animal welfare and free-range chicken rearing, renewable energy, poultry feed manufactured locally and processed in the ALIFEL plant we were lucky enough to visit with Fabien Trihan, agroforestry farming landscape, fair remuneration for farmers... Commitments that motivated our executive chef Stéphanie Moquet to sublimate Loué poultry on the menu of our three Fuga addresses.
Meet passionate breeders
Accompanied by cooperative veterinarian Martine Cottin, our teams also visited the farms of Florent Allinant and Jean Berdin, free-range farmers of free-range chickens and Label Rouge. These meetings were an opportunity for Marie Pacotte, chef at the Francette restaurant, to discover the exceptional conditions in which the animals are raised, the source of a product with impeccable taste!
A day rich in sharing, which confirms our choice of supplier and reinforces our approach to guaranteeing our customers increasingly tasty and responsible products. The Fuga Family is more motivated than ever to offer cuisine concocted with quality products and impeccable traceability.